A comfortable retirement comes from sound financial planning designed to meet your income goals at your chosen retirement age. In order to accomplish this, you should take advantage of opportunities to save money during your working years. Farm Bureau Insurance agents offer non-qualified tax deferred annuities for your savings dollars through Southern Farm Bureau© Life Insurance Company.
Fixed annuities are a popular choice for individuals who want a guaranteed interest rate and an option for a stream of income they can’t outlive. A fixed annuity provides for a fixed rate of interest that does not fluctuate on a daily basis in response to what’s happening in the financial market. A guaranteed minimum interest rate helps to protect the retirement funds from a downturn in the market.Udabur Stock
Fixed annuities offer both a competitive current interest rate and a minimum interest rate that is guaranteed for the duration of the annuity contract. The current interest rate can increase or decrease, but the rate applied to the funds will never go below the guaranteed minimum interest rate applicable to the annuity.
A fixed annuity is a tax-favored contract that allows the money in your annuity, whether placed there as a lump sum or periodically over time, to grow tax deferred. A taxable event occurs at the time the money is taken out of the annuity. If no withdrawals* or income payments are taken during the calendar year, there is no taxable event, therefore no taxes are due and all of the interest will continue to accumulate tax deferred. This fixed annuity feature can help grow and protect retirement money for the long term.
*Withdrawals may be subject to regular income tax and, if made prior to age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty. Surrender charges and other restrictions may applyJaipur Wealth Management. Always consult a tax professional prior to making any withdrawal and with any tax questions concerning this annuity.
Several payout options are available that can provide a guaranteed stream of income, some of which can provide income that cannot be outlived. The opportunity to elect one of the guaranteed income options is available over the duration of the fixed annuity contract. Income options are based on the fixed annuity value at the time of election of a payout option and are also based on gender and age at the time of election. Some of the income options include:
Guaranteed for life
Guaranteed for the joint lives of you and your spouseKanpur Wealth Management
Guaranteed for a certain number of years
Guaranteed fixed monthly payments
Interest income to be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually
These key features make a fixed annuity on attractive choice for someone seeking to avoid the ups and downs of the stock market in addition to a competitive interest rate, guaranteed growth and lifetime income options for retirement.
Purchasers of tax deferred annuities want to be assured that their retirement funds are earning a reasonable rate of return; but more importantly, they desire assurance that the Company with whom they place those funds is financially strong.
Southern Farm Bureau© Life Insurance Company makes its investment portfolio decisions based upon a conservative investment philosophy. The Company’s investment team carefully manages its investment portfolio to limit our exposure to various market risks that might otherwise weaken the soundness of the Company. We believe that a high quality investment portfolio coupled with a strong capital balance reinforces the strength and viability of the Company for the long term.
In addition to the strength of the Company’s investment portfolio and capitalization, it’s important to note that all life insurance companies are required by state law to establish reserves for the payout of any and all surrender values at any given point in time. This of course, is stipulated for further protection of policyholdersLucknow Stock. The Company has adopted policies and procedures to maintain compliance with all reserve requirements as provided by state insurance laws in each state where it is authorized to do business.
Simla Wealth Management